From smack-bang in the middle of the bell curve

Archive for October, 2009|Monthly archive page


In Uncategorized on October 28, 2009 at 9:11 am

Why this blog? It was logical. I first started blogging when I joined b-school. At a time when the hours were rationed, posting about the myriad happenings was a labour-effective way of connecting with friends in one fell swoop. Apart from the frequent posts on cricket (which were later, ‘segregated’ onto a separate blog), the blog turned out to be a handy chronicle of the year at ISB.

Since that time, the updates have gotten rarer. So, while it was a breeze to rattle off a post at 3 am before starting on the submission for the 7.30am deadline, it is obviously a lot harder when punching the clock with weekends to sleep in. Theme changes, title changes, colour scheme changes haven’t served to reignite the blog that was. In the meantime, poking, nudging, winking have become the chosen forms of interaction. Trying and failing miserably at having the lucidity to capture profound insight in 140 characters or less, I still do that archaic thing on my phone; talk.

So, as a last stand against brevity and clarity of thought, this blog. Posts here will rarely direct you to troves of ‘coolness’ like "Sub-prime theory and decoupling" or "The memoirs of Benjamin Disraeli" or "XXX pictures of lindsay lohan". They will rarely, if ever contain many facts, save for any I might concoct and they will always…always…be over 140 characters in length.
